14 de março de 2007

FAILURE TO LAUNCH - a sweet and funny film

"Failure to Launch" is a romantic comedy film I reallu enjoyed! The plot is about Tripp, a seemingly successful 35-year-old boat broker, who still lives with his parents and has never been able to leave the nest. He always had some reason or other, but now, his desperate parents have had enough so they hire a gorgeous and talented girl to get him to move out of their house.

In fact, Tripp is such a smug and whenever he feels a relationship with a woman is getting too serious, he lets her find out he still lives with his parents (in the US it's not good for a 35 guy). Usually this issooff-putting for the woman that she breaks up. There is an amazing scene when Tripp and agirl are kissing lying in his bed and during this very hot moment, his father enter saying something to his "baby", without knocking the the doors room.

Paula is the "interventionist" who is hired by Tripp parentes to get the children to move out of the house by making him fall in love for her and plan to live together. After they move out, she planned to break up with him. However, Paula really fall in love with Tripp. He finds out that Paula was hired and this causes him to break up with her first that the plan be succed.

Actually, I have to confess my deep passion for the actor whoplayed Tripp (Matthew McConaughey). Hes is definitly fantastic, the most sexy man in the world and brillant actor. I always look for his films because I like all of them like "How to lose a man in 10 days". To be honest, in Failure to launch, who cougth my attention for most was Sarah Jessica Parker because of her talent, beauty, simplicity and tenderless!

I really do recommend this film, especially for couples whose want to have a lovelly time toghether!

Finally, I suggest you read the Paula's 10 steps list to how to get a man out of parent's house I had attached for you have fun!

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